
Please share your ideas for future enhancements to FreezerPro.

Restrict access for new users

It appears that when a new user gets FreezerPro access they gain full access to all previously created freezers by default.

Can we change this behavior so that new users get no access to existing freezers by default instead of full access?

  • Guest
  • Apr 16 2019
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    February 23, 2022 15:28

    Under 'Settings and Preferences' -> 'User Settings' there is the option to choose the default group. If this group is set to one with no access then all new users will have no access by default.

    A caveat is that, if new freezers are added later, someone must restrict the access level for the default group. Changes to the permission structure are planned for FreezerPro 8.

  • Guest commented
    April 08, 2020 19:47