
Please share your ideas for future enhancements to FreezerPro.

Support direct export to Excel xlsx native format

We would appreciate if FP allows direct report generation in .xlsx format.

Currently, FP only supports .csv export. However, as .csv columns do not allow specifying a type, opening those files in external programs such as excel comes with some major drawbacks:

- Either those programs guess the type, which normally goes wrong for BARCODES. E.g. Excel is taking BARCODES columns with only digits as number. In case a BARCODE starts with a leading 0, Excel just skipping those leasing to a wrong BARCODE in the opened file (and subsequent processing steps)
- The correct way of importing .csv files normally takes very long as a type needs to be specified for each column.

Please, consider implementing this feature to make all our lives easier.

  • Guest
  • May 28 2024
  • Attach files