
Please share your ideas for future enhancements to FreezerPro.

Generate a vial report for a subdivision/freezer

We want to be able to generate a vial report for a subdivision.

Currently when you generate a report for a subdivision you get a sample report. That is, all the vials for a sample are reported even if some of those vials aren't in the subdivision. This change is essential to our operation because our setup of FreezerPro has a special sample that contains >100,000 vials. A report of a subdivision that contains even one of these vials generates a report of all the vials for the sample which takes many hours and does not reflect the vials present in the subdivision.

In contrast, generating a report for a box gives a vial report. That is, only the vials present in the box are reported regardless of the total number of vials associated with a sample. A vial report like this takes moments to generate rather than hours in our instance and accurately reflects the vials in the box.

The attached screenshots show a test case. It's a subdivision (“Shelf_2”) with only one box (“test_box”) that contains three vials of our sample that has >100,000 vials.

The list generated for the subdivision shows one row for the sample and the report contains >100,000 rows. This is a sample report (“1 Samples successfully processed”) and takes many hours to complete because of the number of vials being reported.

The box report gives three rows, one for each vial in the box (“3 Vials successfully processed.”) and completes in moments.

  • Guest
  • Jan 26 2024
  • Attach files