
Please share your ideas for future enhancements to FreezerPro.

Display More Results per Page

The system should allow to change the number of results displayed per page (in general, but critically on the results menus for Searches -barcode/batch/advanced searches-).

At the moment, the system only displays 100 results per page max.
This is too short when carrying out searches for considerable larger number of samples and especially if the user wants to (e.g.) assign those results into a Pick List or a Shipment or having them removed, etc.

For instance, if the user needs to do this with 1500 specimens, the same step would need to be repeated 15 times with a chance of making an error.
Allowing the user to choose the number of results displayed would sort the issue and increase flexibility.

  • Guest
  • Nov 6 2023
  • Attach files