
Please share your ideas for future enhancements to FreezerPro.

Redirect to SSO prompt Azure window

Conditions--> For the SSO configuration by using Azure authentication, and if Freezerpro Setting for SSO configure with “create new users” set to “NO” --- >

If these conditions are applied, will be helpful to have an option to redirect to the SSO prompt azure login authentication in order to enter your credentials... in this way users could use a single laboratory computer and login with SSO.

If only SSO is enable then users must use their own personal computer, and considering our users work in a laboratory this is kind of difficult. We are using cloud version hosted with you Azenta, hence, LDAP is not possible to configure as per Network policies restrictions.

If is possible to add this function and system detect that the computer(user) that is opening the system does not have an account, and instead to appear the SAML message indicating users has not an account created, but redirect to the login page, user will be able to enter their own credentials and then authenticate with SSO. This will very useful!!!

  • Guest
  • Oct 24 2023
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