
Please share your ideas for future enhancements to FreezerPro.

17 Vote

Ability to reorder values in User-Defined Fields

In the past, it was possible to re-order the values within a particular UDF but this is no longer possible and new entries are now just added at the end of the list.  

The ability to re-order would be particularly useful for Names where they should be alphabetised - currently we have fields where 75% of values are in the correct order (from when they could be reordered) and the remainder are just at the bottom of the list in order of entry which causes confusion.

There is a sort ascending / sort descending filter in the Values screen under the UDF setting but these are greyed out.


  • Guest
  • Oct 18 2019
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    02 Aug 13:32

    This would be really useful for us too!

  • Guest commented
    March 19, 2023 12:22

    We also would very much appreciate to get this option. If it was possible before, it should be considered as a regression bug by the FP development team.

  • Guest commented
    May 10, 2022 23:01

    This just makes sense to make happen