Please enable the ability to move entries in the Choice UDF
Or at the very least, show the list in alphabetical order. It would also be nice to be able to delete an entry rather than just disable because disabled entries still show up in the list, even if they can't be selected.
Not being able to delete items in Choice UDFs also leads to users seeing disabled items in search listings, witch is confusing. For exemple, in img 1 here the list item "TANUM (CSF)" is disabled, but as you can see in img 2 it still appears as an available search criteria.
Not being able to delete items in Choice UDFs also leads to users seeing disabled items in search listings, witch is confusing. For exemple, in img 1 here the list item "TANUM (CSF)" is disabled, but as you can see in img 2 it still appears as an available search criteria.
Same as: